Broom Valley is an inclusive primary school. We are committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education to all the pupils and young people attending our school. We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having special educational needs have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them. They have the right to be fully included in all aspects of school life enabling them to meet their full potential.
To produce an inclusive environment and raise the aspirations of and expectations for all pupils with SEND. To enable, through ‘Quality First Teaching’ and targeted and focused support, for all pupils to meet their full potential. We work closely to take positive action to ensure that our setting makes appropriate provision through curriculum planning, delivery and assessment for children of differing abilities, alongside encouraging children to be involved in their own learning and to be aware of their targets.
Broom Valley Community School is committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education for children. We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of life.
We believe that all children should be equally valued in our setting. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.
Broom Valley Community School is committed to inclusion. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced difficulties. We will respond to learners in ways which take into account their varied life experiences and needs.
We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, background, gender, ethnicity, needs or attainment.
In the documents below you can read about our SEND provision and how we support those children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, and their families.
Please click the links below.
SEND End of Year Analysis 2022_23
The SEND policy has been written to comply with the statutory requirements laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 (September 2014). To view the SEND Code of Practice, click here.
SEND Co-ordinator: Kim Reaney (Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion)
Team BVCS are proud to be beginning our school journey with Thrive to further empower our children to be confident and effective citizens of the future.
About Thrive
For more information, click here.
Developmental Language Disorder
Useful Organisations
We have no responsibility for content on the following pages but they may be able to offer you support on advice on SEND. Please click on the page:
Homepage – Rotherham SEND Local Offer
Rotherham SENDIASS - SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service
Rotherham CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services